• Naftali Untung STT Bethel Indonesia Jakarta
  • Andrea Esther Bangun STT Bethel Indonesia Jakarta
  • Gideon Billy Septiadi STT Bethel Indonesia Jakarta
  • Imelda Jequiline Zusana Arnoldus STT Bethel Indonesia Jakarta
  • Keren Hapukh Elegani Br Ginting STT Bethel Indonesia Jakarta


This article explores the interaction between food theology and the management and prevention of diabetes, highlighting the importance of a holistic approach that integrates nutrition, spirituality, and eating behaviors. Diabetes mellitus, as the third leading cause of death in Indonesia, not only imposes high costs on the healthcare system but also affects the mental health of patients, creating an urgent need for effective prevention strategies. This study employs a literature review method, analyzing various sources including journal articles, books, and other publications relevant to spirituality, dietary practices, and diabetes management. Key findings indicate that poor eating habits, such as high consumption of sugar and processed carbohydrates, significantly increase the risk of diabetes, while maintaining dietary practices within Christian spirituality traditions can serve as a preventive measure. This study also discusses how maintaining dietary practices is an act of developing Christian spirituality. Therefore, this article argues that the practice of mindful eating, which acts as a preventive measure against diabetes, is a way to establish a relationship with God and all of His creation through food.


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How to Cite
Naftali Untung, Andrea Esther Bangun, Gideon Billy Septiadi, Imelda Jequiline Zusana Arnoldus, & Keren Hapukh Elegani Br Ginting. (2021). TEOLOGI MAKANAN DAN DIABETES: MEMADUKAN NUTRISI, SPIRITUALITAS, DAN KESEHATAN. Matheo : Jurnal Teologi/Kependetaan, 11(1), 98-110. https://doi.org/10.47562/matheo.v11i1.366