• M. Sonang S. Aritonang STT Bethel Indonesia Jakarta
  • Fransina Wattimena STT Bethel Indonesia Jakarta
  • Gernaida Krisna R. Pakpahan STT Bethel Indonesia Jakarta


The encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman as recorded in John 4:1-42 offers profound insights into the social and religious barriers broken by Jesus through his transformative dialogue. This study aims to analyze the representation of women's spirituality in theological dialogue, highlighting the significant role of women in religious practices and theological discussions. The methods employed are hermeneutics and library research, which allow for a deep interpretation of the text and exploration of its historical and theological contexts. The findings of this study indicate that the Samaritan woman, through her interaction with Jesus, undergoes a spiritual transformation that impacts her community and challenges social and religious norms, affirming the vital role of women as agents of spiritual and social change in religious traditions.


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How to Cite
M. Sonang S. Aritonang, Fransina Wattimena, & Pakpahan, G. K. R. (2021). SPIRITUALITAS PEREMPUAN DALAM DIALOG: ANALISIS TEOLOGIS PERTEMUAN YESUS DENGAN PEREMPUAN SAMARIA DI YOHANES 4:1-42. Matheo : Jurnal Teologi/Kependetaan, 11(1), 51-67. https://doi.org/10.47562/matheo.v11i1.359