• Susana Prathalia Tuapattinaya STT Bethel Indonesia, Jakarta
  • Poppy Aprilianti STT Bethel Indonesia, Jakarta
  • Efraim Pasaribu STT Bethel Indonesia, Jakarta
  • Israel Ukkap Parlindungan S STT Bethel Indonesia, Jakarta
  • Naftali Untung STT Bethel Indonesia Jakarta
Keywords: biblical hermeneutics, postmodernism, theology students, church discipleship, social media


The postmodern era presents significant challenges to biblical hermeneutics, such as relativism, pluralism, and subjectivism, which undermine the authority of the Bible as the source of truth. Social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram exacerbate this issue by promoting shallow yet influential narratives that replace theology students' roles in church member discipleship. This study employs a descriptive qualitative approach, utilizing literature studies and contextual analysis of the socio-cultural dynamics of Christian congregations in Indonesia. The findings reveal that theology students often lack the practical application of hermeneutics, particularly in direct teaching roles. The conclusion emphasizes the need for discipleship strategies incorporating innovation, multitasking, teamwork, and flexibility to ensure the Bible remains relevant in the postmodern era. Theology students must actively serve as agents of change, bridging the truth of Scripture with the contemporary needs of congregations.


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How to Cite
Susana Prathalia Tuapattinaya, Poppy Aprilianti, Efraim Pasaribu, Israel Ukkap Parlindungan S, & Naftali Untung. (2022). PERAN MAHASISWA TEOLOGI UNTUK MEMBANGUN PENAFSIRAN YANG BENAR DI ERA POSTMODERN: KAJIAN PEMBINAAN WARGA GEREJA. Matheo : Jurnal Teologi/Kependetaan, 12(1), 65-77.