Sertifikat Diegesis: Jurnal Teologi
Focus and Scope
DIEGESIS: Jurnal Teologi is a peer-reviewed journal. DIEGESIS invites academics and researchers who do original research in the fields of theology, Christian education, including but not limited to: Systematic-Constructive Theology, Biblical-Contextual Theology, Counseling, Theology and Religiosity, and Christian education.
Peer Review Policy
Article that will be published in DIEGESIS: Jurnal Teologi carried out through "blind peer review" by considering two main aspects, namely: relevance and contribution of articles on the Christianity and Theology issues. Editors and reviewers provide constructive feedback on the evaluation results to the author.
Review Proces
Each submitted manuscript will go through a peer-review process with the following stages:
- Editor performs a technical and administrative assessment of the submitted manuscript.
- Editor continues the manuscripts that passed the technical and administrative assessment for the blind review process. Manuscripts that do not pass technical and administrative judgments will be returned to the author with notes from editors (rejected or revision required).
- Reviewers review the script and make recommendations.
- Editor submits the results of the assessment and recommendation to the author along with the deadline for revision.
- Editor will send a ready-to-publish copy to the author before it is issued for approval and can not be withdrawn.
- Before articles published, the editor send the article to copyediting section.
Plagiarism Check
The editors will run plagiarism check using Turnitin for each submitted manuscript. If a manuscript has over 20% similarity based on the Turnitin check result, the manuscript will send back to the author to be revised.
Publication Frequency
This journal will be issued 2 times yearly: February and August.
Article Processing & Submission Charges
Article Submission:
0.00 (IDR)
Fast-Track Review:
Diegesis provides the opportunity for Fast Track Review (FTR) services. Editors have criteria for manuscripts that can be included in FTR. If the manuscript is accepted, the author will be charged an FTR fee of: IDR 1.000,000,-
Manuscripts that have been processed at the review stage, and are requested to be withdrawn by the author, will be subject to a withdrawal fee of: IDR 500,000, -
Article Publication/Article Processing Charges (APCs):
If this paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to pay an Article Publication Fee to cover publications costs.
450.000 (IDR).
Transfer to BCA. 1110345727 an. Anggi Maringan Hasiholan and Confirm to 089608410337
Open Access Policy
All of the published articles will be in open access option.
Journal Licensing

Diegesis: Jurnal Teologi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at