Bible study in the postmodern era is considered no longer necessary. The practical and dynamic world causes the fundamental truths of the Bible to be removed. The research group carried out church community services, namely the development of basic Bible studies based on the problems at youth GBI Abraham, Manado. The problem is the lack of knowledge of the youth GBI Abraham congregation about the Bible, which affects the youth faith in youth GBI Abraham. Departing from this problem, the implementing group carried out basic Bible study training to increase the maturity of the youth's faith towards the youth of GBI Abraham in Manado. The method used in this implementation is a coaching method in primary Bible study teaching. Based on the results of the community service that the implementing team carried out, it was found that the Bible study development activities were carried out based on the faith growth of the youth. Second. youth's faith growth significantly affects their involvement in ecclesiastical ministry. Finally, the youth's faith growth determine by the time and quality of the Bible study training
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