Focus and Scope

Education: The Christian Religious Education Journal is a journal that publishes current educational issues with a focus on Christian religious education, education management, general education, curriculum, and evaluation.

Peer Review Policy

Article that will be published in Edukasi: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Kristen carried out through "blind peer review" by considering two main aspects, namely: relevance and contribution of articles on the Christianity and Theology issues. Editors and reviewers provide constructive feedback on the evaluation results to the author.

Review Process

Review Policy Edukasi: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Kristen is :

  1. Every submitted manuscript will be reviewed by a reviewer.
  2. The review process uses a Blind Review, meaning that the reviewer does not see the author's identity, and the author does not see the reviewer's identity.
  3. In the review process, reviewers can consider the suitability of the title, abstract, discussion (findings), and conclusions. In addition, reviewers also provide considerations related to novelty, scientific impact, and references used.
  4. Every published manuscript is free of charge (free).

Plagiarism Check

The editors will run plagiarism check using Turnitin for each submitted manuscript. If a manuscript has over 20% similarity based on the Turnitin check result, the manuscript will send back to the author to be revised.

References Management

In writing Citation and Bibliography, Edukasi : Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Kristen uses the Mendeley Reference Management Software.

Publication Frequency

Edukasi : Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Kristen is a Journal published online biannually in July and December.

Author Fees

This journal charges the following author fees.

Article Submission: 0.00 (IDR)
Authors are not required to pay an Article Submission Fee as part of the submission process to contribute to review costs.

Article Publication: 0.00 (IDR)
If this paper is accepted for publication, you will not be asked to pay an Article Publication Fee to cover publication costs.

Open Access Policy

All of the published articles will be in open access option.

Journal Licensing

Matheo: Jurnal Teologi/Kependetaan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at